Tuesday, April 5, 2016

     Good afternoon,

     Today I find myself waiting for class to start, beginning drawing at that. I am listening to a record of Beethoven while sitting in a state of limbo. I cannot exactly express to you why I am in such a state but, I know it to be true. I am here waiting for class to start with nothing to do until then. I have cleaned uip my room a tad and am playing Travian. Also, Kassandra... My girlfriend. It is getting to me a bit how little I will have the chance to see her and also how legitimately she shoves down the throat the fact that she will never want to have children. Ever. I respect her decision but, I do not like it and fear it will cause long-term issues if we were to stay together. Not that we are even close to that obstacle as we are still getting to know one another and have to do that as well as learn to live a distance from one another. I have been alone before but, it seems like a whole different challenge when there is someone out there that you care about. Also, it does not change, my constant hornyness. I am fighting urges and primal desires when I am on campus as girls shorts get shorter and shorter as the sun stays out longer.

Other things that plague me are my lack of energy all day and every day for years. It seems when I am preoccupied I have plenty of energy but, any time my mind is astray I realize that I am about as tired as a Snorlax. My joints are in constant discomfort, especially my knees, and I am thinking of changing my posture to alleviate some of the pressure on my knees. Also, I get the tightness in my chest on both sides opposite my sternum. As if my lungs are compressing. Maybe from smoking, maybe it is lung cancer? Gastric build up? I have no idea, all I know is that it is troublesome and I cannot fight the feeling I have had for years that I have a serious medical issue that is effecting my energy level, focus and memory and perhaps it is deadly. I do not know, I just have a feeling. I have been wrong before but, I have no answers. Did drugs make me stupid and unhealthy or is there something deeper? I wish I knew.

My biggest qualm is my production level which I think can tie in directly to my energy level, focus and memory. If I found this out perhaps I would be able to get back on track. We will see but, I have no Idea how to find this out.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

So, I went home for the weekend. My mother offered me gas money Thursday morning to come home and so I did right away. I did things like watching "Daddys Home" which has Mark Wahlberg and Will Ferrel in it and it was a cute movie I would say, also we hung around watched TV and just relaxed. Today is Saturday, my mother and I spent all afternoon looking for places to buy kayaks from and we finally settled on two from Sports Authority. We strapped them to the top of my CRV and went to the San Jauquin River right where it cuts beneath Woodward Park. It was beautiful but, the water was cold. My mother hated the way back because we had to walk across rocks to drag the kayaks upstream. I kept laughing my ass off because she nearly cried complaining so much. She was a trooper though. I need to do homework but, don;t really want to lmao.

Kassandra and I want to talk on Skype tonight. Last night went great until the call dropped and we did'n't get back in touch. She finally admitted that she saw me as a 'Ten" even though before she rated me at a "8.5". She was scared to admit she saw me as a 10 because that would make her have to admit how she saw me and she is scared of losing a ten. Begrudgingly I watched porn as soon as we hung up. The call had got me excited. I am getting closer to not having to much desire for porn but, it is such an ingrained habit. She makes me want to stop because I have a reason to follow my heart these days. Day by day though. I like this girl.

I better do my homework. The baby is crying continuously in the background.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

     My life, simply and honest. This is my take on my life as simply and honestly as I can relay it and translate it. I have no idea what this blog will focus on- be it love life, spiritual life, moral life or something else or a combination of things! All I know is that I want to create and document and recall for the sake of my future self and my current self-assessment. It really comes down to that.

     I am not sure whether to dice directly into my day-by-day life as I want to do in the long run or, to catch up this blog with a general synopsis of my current state-of-life. Perhaps to start in a less daunting way and to create a status quo I will just recall my day in a list-like fashion and hope that as I do this it evolves into something more "artful". 

     Today was a simple day. It is the Tuesday after Easter break and I spent much of the day alone in my room apart from my trip to the Goodwill to donate clothes ( a fun little story where I ended up with a decent amount of bags of clothing from a little side job I found on Craigslist), buy some dishes and a pan as well as get utensils and food at the dollar store. It is spring break and the university apartments where I live are a ghost town as of late as everyone seems to have went home or on vacation. This has resulted in the Gastronome(where I have my meal-plan) to be closed down over the break and for the need for food less easily fulfilled. Also, I thought it to be a prime opportunity to cook my vegetarian lady friend which I am dating a nice meal as we have planned for her to spend the night for the second time tomorrow evening. Nothing sexual, just two people getting to know the pulse of one another and their hearts. 

     Other than this, I have been in my room watching The Walking Dead, play Travian and working on my computer( formatting issues). I want to start a book and at least read a few verses of the Bible before turning on Netflix until bed. 

That is simply my day.